Sunday, May 6, 2012

New version GS Judge (2.0.5)

I have just released a new version of GS Judge on the website. Don't hesitate to email your remarks to Below the list of changes.

Version 2.0.3 - May 5, 2012

  • signed setup file and GS Judge.exe
  • bug fix in setup (cannot locate resource file Main.xaml)
  • Version 2.0.4 - May 5, 2012

  • BB bug fix: The take-off from both feet value and the landing type value were not read from the meta-database. These characteristics of elements are required to recognize a connection with rebound. Therefore CV with rebound was never rewarded. Thanks for reporting this Monique (BEL).
  • FX bug fix: when an element or its value was devaluated, the value was no longer drawn at the correct position. Thanks for reporting this Marleen (BEL).
  • Disabled Create Vault button functionality: was not finished and was not supposed to be released yet.
  • Slightly bigger font size for D-, E- and Final score text blocks. The same for Gymnast number, name and country.
  • Version 2.0.5 - May 6, 2012

  • Signed all dll's in the project

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